~after a year plus~

Salam everyone..


berdebu dan bersawang sangat blog ni..
da setahun lebih  tak ber update..
ever since i gave birth to our precious lil prince up until i've started my chaotic life as  a KULI BATAK aka Houseman doctor..

life has been up and down..
but i think most of the time down..huhu

but the last few days..
iT's been jobless days for me and friends since the long holiday started..

sekarang ni jobless punya pasal la baru ade mase nak update my blog..

Actually dun know where to start  but..

the latest news

i'm currently expecting our second child

actually i did not expect to have a baby during internship..
but we're glad and happy with the news
i love babies and i dont really have much problem with the pregnancy
its quite exhausting and tiring to work since i'm only an intern..
and the biggest problem is we still could not find a nanny for our child since i've staterted my work..

can u imagine how chaos my life is..
i had to leave my son here n there for awhile..poor him
and then  there are 2 times we got a nanny but both only stand for a week each..
kate je kerja shift 7am to 6 pm..but
jangan mimpilah nak balek on time..
kadang2 tu pkl 10-11 pon baru boleh balek
so sape tahan kan nak jaga anak doktor ni

pernah try to get an indonesian maid but unfortunately kena tipu dengan agent
hangus macam tu je 2k..

so the only solution now is to leave my son in Gerik with my parent or my in laws in Pasir mas
its not that i dont want to leave him at p.mas but..serba salah pulak
i tak larat nak berulang p.as kb hari2
tapi kalu die kat sane tak sampai hati pulak kalau tak balek.

so ..i choose gerik..dah tentu dia jauh terus..

Our 1st cheecky lil prince is now 1year and 4 month..
owh i'm so missing him like crazy..

missing my both heroes so much

im at 22 weeks of gestational age right now
didnt know the gender yet
had missed few times of ANC due to work
but bile ade mase jer..kelantan was on public holiday on my appt date..
hurgh saket hati btol..

ok lah sampai sini saje dulu

new patient has came...
need to do peritoneal dialysis..

until then...


faizah said…
Ouh seriously rindu kt ur entries dear.. da expecting 2nd child??tahniah2...sy pun da 2org anak skrg...2nd baru 6months... smg dipermudahkan sgala urusan ye... :)

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