~22nd week ~
Salam everyone
Harini our lil junior genap 22minggu
his estimated weight : 0.42 kg
ummi's weight : 58kg
minggu ni people started to notice my baby bump
naik lift senyum je dengar people whispering
'eh dak tu pregnant' in Arabic
bajet i wont understand it lah tuu
pastu time rounds pon ade doc yang dah perasan
im proud to be pregnant~

So yesterday i went for the 5th ANC
sambil tu me and Put terlebih rajen joined rounds ngan doc Fayez
sambil tunggu my turn
just to kill the time and gain knowlegde as well
then terus sambung Oncall Surgery until 9 pm
balik rmh terus collapse
alhamdulillah everything's fine
baby is actively swimming in the pool
then doc suggest me to do detail feto-anomalies scan.
(to detect any abnormality of baby)
it's a routine for ANC nowadays
memang ade niat nak mintak buat pon
but better to do it with the specialist itself
so tanya doc tu die cakap Doc Nael or Doc Uqbah can do it
and its on tuesday morning
i prefer Doc Nael~
so harini memang tak lepaskan peluang la
terus je jumpa doc Nael lepas morning report
Semalam nak buat appointment da tutup
luckily he's so kind and let me do it
and naseb arini rounds dengan Doc Nawwaf je
and dont have to take history
siap je buat scan tu naik tingkat 5 da start our rounds of the day
i guess being a medical student especially Final year is an advantage
cause we can easily get access anywhere around the hospital
Just wear your labcoat n studentcard
doc pon da recognized us quite well
erk tingal 1bulan je lagi nak final
but my study is not progressing quite well
owh yer
berbalik pada scan tu
mase mula2 tu agak berdebar2 la jugak
tak putus2 doa moga our junior is perfectly healthy
and Alhamdulillah
it turns out good
memang doc tunjuk satu setiap organ baby
his head and brain
yang best dapat tengok his face,nose,eyes and lips clearly
also the heart~tengok 4chambers and the function
diaphragm,stomach and bladder
spine,his testes and upper and lower extremeties
~1st pic gambar kaki die dlm keadaan bersedia nak menendang bola ~
~2nd pic gambar muka baby..boleh tgk mulut and dagu~
~3rd pic gambar tulang belakang baby~
Alhamdulillah everything's good and functioning well
lega hati ummi
Moga our lil one membesar dengan sempurna
and keluar dengan selamat pada waktunya
tiket balek Malaysia dah book on 3rd june
so baby pon kena teman ummi study for final
tak pasal baby kena belajar medic since dalam perut

silap2 nanti baby pon jadi doctor cam ummi
macam2 mana pon kena lepas n lulus gak final exam ni
please pray for me k everyone!
till later
kak lin, glad to hear that u're doing fine there..
hehe. Damia' pun, ramai yang dok gurau, 'kecik2 dh masuk u nih, cerdik nnti' =p
same goes to ur baby, insyaallah.ameen
'atiqah~wassalam n thnx
i'A anak2 kite cerdik2 n comel belaka~ameen