~the 2 weeks of heaven~
Salam everyone
sorry for the long silence
been soo busy these past few weeks
baru start rotation baru Surgery
pergh hari2 pkl 7 dah kua n pkl 4 baru smpi rmh
balek rumah mkn2..rehat2
bace few pages lelap.
so bear with me guys..
cause this gonna be quite long Entry
My mom and dad finally arrived
to my little home here in Jordan
it were 2 weeks of Heaven i can say
i've gained 2 kilos during their stay!
tapi skrg ni mantain je la kot.
da xde selera balek nk makan.
mane taknya
sebut je nak makan ape..
breakfast,lunch and dinner
in fact extra meals pon ade
all were Perfectly served i tell u
they've arrived Queen Alia Airport on 12feb2011 at 6.00pm
it was a very cold nite
poor them..
tak sanggup nak keluar balek for dinner bila dah sampai rumah
so we end up eating Mee Ruski Tomyam with hot drinks je that night
since i still coudnt cook anything nice for them.
they're kind of having jetlag..
tido kejap jer after dinner
then lebih kurang pkl 3 pg i heard them pungpang2
kat ruang tamu and dapur then tidor balek
Lepas tu time subuh my Mom dah turun gelanggang
keluarkan apa2 yang patut dalam freezer
As expected..
she was surprised to see the "harta karun" inside it
well i didnt cook anything since Abang left
in fact i rarely open it cz i couldnt stand the smell
So for the 1st day..
mama cook
Asam pedas Ikan Talapia
and Lamb stew
then after class i brought them to Balad
the 2nd day she cook bihun goreng Singapore for breakfast
and Nasi Kerabu hitam which we brought it to Syria
siap ngan BUDU and Solok Lada tuu
Luckily i had Maulud Nabi's leave on tuesday so i had time
to bring them to Syria which only 2 n 1/2 from Irbid
then balek ke Irbid that evening.
On Wednesday..
baba belajar bahasa arab sket2 then die jalan pegi pasar kat balad sorang2
and end up bought Ikan Keli which we saw before on Sunday
actually its my first time to see fresh Ikan Keli sold here in Irbid
then mama masak Sambal ikan Keli for lunch
and Laksa Penang for dinner
on thursday plak she cook bihun goreng for breakfast
and nasi lemak for lunch
then we went to Jelajah Jordan
i've rent a car and ask My Yarmuk's friend to be the driver
disebabkan die ade klas petang tu
pukul 5mlm baru boleh bertolak
so our 1st destination is Dead Sea
naseb die bukak 24hours
we had our dinner picnic there
then after solat
mama n baba try berendam kejap kat situ
while me jaga barang and
Zofir(the driver) took a nap in the car
mama and baba je yang mandi malam tu
rugi plak kalau tak try mandi bile da sampai sana
naseb i dah pernah mandi kat situ sebelum ni

then around 1am we all bergerak ke Petra
and arrived at about 4.30 am
singgah kat masjid solat subuh
Freezing i tell u masa buang air n amek wuduk tu
sampai tak rasa ade kaki n tangan lepas kena air tu
diorang takde waterheater tapi naseb dalam masjid tu ade heater
takde lah menggigil time solat
pastu we had our breakfast and enter Petra at 7a.m
tak ramai lagi pelancong time tu and the weather still cold
but around 9 am tu
baba continued his journey up to the mountain(AdDeir)
while me n mama went back to our car
masa tu da penuh orang n cuaca pon dah panas
terpaksa bukak segala sweater
sampai2 kat kereta tu memang tak boleh nak bukak mata
sebab kepenatan
we slept while waiting for baba to come down
around 12pm tu we all bertolak pulak ke Wadi Rum
arrived at 4p.m
but didnt take the tour to the desert which will take 2n 1/2hours
we just took pictures around kat office n main entrance.
jadi lah sebagai bukti dah pernah sampai situ
besides everyone was tired and we All nk kejar masa nk solat
then after solat at the Mosque we All bertolak ke Aqabah
first time beli dinner Nasi Arab for mama and baba kat sana
i had picnic by the seashore
window shopping kejap then check in hotel
semua orang collapse that night
the next day baru pegi balek kat tepi pantai Aqabah(the red Sea)
to take some pictures.
then proceed to our next destination which is
Cave of Ashabul Kahfi
masuk kejap je
amek2 gambar then solat kat masjid sebelah
pastu pegi Mecca Mall for lunch and shopping sket
sempat sambar baju baby sehelai kat Centre Point
dengan nestbag
geram betul tengok barang2 baby
soo cute and adorable
tapi tunggu balek mesia nanti lah baru sopim sakan
mama pon ade bawak satu set baju baby,sehelai rompers
and baby towel
saje prepare incase pape da ready
tapi Nauzubillah la kan
harap semua selamat sampai waktunya
so till then~