~Last holiday for final year~
Salam semua
as mentioned before
i'll blog about 26th november 2010
but before that
i'll write about my short n last holiday in Malaysia..
since it had some sequential value with the date itself
even though its so short..
so many sweet n fun things happened
Actually we've planned to spend 2weeks holidays in Egypt
during eidul adha
we'd even bought the tickets n booked a room there
but suddenly a day before we fly abang's boss called
and told him to come back to Malaysia quickly
abes menjunam masuk gaung
mood nak pegi melancong i
takde maknanya nak pegi melancong sorang2 kan
so abang suggested me to come back with him
lagipon boleh sambut raya ngan family
luckily we still can refund the tickets
but we wasted about rm500 gak la
then 1st Unsual thing happen to me
masa naik flight tu
i usually dont have any problem with air travelling
but that time
tetiba je rase pening sangat
then takde selera nak makan
tapi ingat ke sebab tengok tv atas flight tu
lama sangat kot..
besides it still to early
sampai jer Malaysia
on the way to Kelantan tu we all singgah
Cameron highland to meet my family there
sempat lah jalan2 kejap
makan aiskrim strawberry yang sangat best

~rainy day in Cameron~
then during eid..
semua family terkejut
tetiba je terjojol my face
they didnt expect me to come back after just a while
finally i can celebrate Eid for the 1st time with abang
since we got Married.
pagi tu kitorang solat raya kat kampung abang
funny thing happened
we all kena solat raya 2 kali
mase tengah solat tu da pelik2
pastu terfikir..
memang masjid kampung abang ni camni kot..
kena angkat takbir tu sendiri
then dah siap tu baru tok imam tu mintak maaf
ade ke dia ingat ke solat jumaat
so die tak angkatla takbir 7 and 5kali tu
kecoh lah satu masjid
tak pasal kena solat skali lagi
then tengah hari tu taksempat orang abes korban
me and abang bergegas ke Gerik to my family side plak
sambung beraya kat sana
the next day we went to KL to sent abang to airport
1st time i drived back from airport alone
abes risau2 my mom n dad
then i decided to go to Kak Safiyah n Senior Anhar's wed
both doctors are my senior in JUST

seronok sebab wat cam kenduri sendiri je
buat reunion budak-budak Jordan kat sane
before that tumpang tido rumah ayman
and joined reunion dak2 Dentist~
Ayman,Nad,Faizah,Noni and Dayu
siap pegi taman berkelah and bergambar

~dayu xde sbb die jadi photographer~
it was a very nice memory
tapi i je la tersesat sorang student Medic
orang lain sume da keje
makin bergaya and masing2 dah ade kereta baru
happy for them
then i went back to Gerik by bus
ok la..
setakat ni dulu sebab da maghrib
nanti sambung lagi cerita
end of part 1