~1 month n the "flyway" bride~
salam all.
genap sebulan saje lagi..
kenapa rasa cam lambat je mase berlalu.
sehari rase cam seminggu.
bole tak??
nampak sangat da xsabar nak tunggu 9 jun kan?
kalau orang lain ni mesti rase da tak lame da
tapi kitorg rase sebulan tu sangat lame..
maybe sebab bukan kitorg yang kene wat persiapan
tuk majlis.
lagipon majlis kecik2 je.
akad nikah pastu majlis kesyukuran tuk family dan kenalan rapat.
tapi sebelum tu..
banyak cabaran yg haruss ditempuh..
exam OSCE internal Med~maybe 19/5(xconfirm lg)
pastu start final exam for this sem
1st june-surgery(2.30pm-4.30pm)
4th june-peadiatrics
8th june-internal medicine(8.15am-10.15am)
then straight to the Queen alia airport for
5.15pm flight with emirates
and will be arriving around 2.15pm,9june09 malaysian time..
my solemnization will be on 6.00 pm of 09jun09..
what a STUNT huh?
can u imagine how chaos would it be??
boleh wat filem kan?
the "Flyway"bride..
mane2 director yg nak wat tajuk filem ni kene kasi credit kat i dulu yer!
tarikh dan mase exam baru confirm last month but we've already fixed the date.
and the ticket also've been bought.
that's y i juz have to get through all this with high hopes n prays.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya dan semoga pernikahan ini diberkati
maybe this will be my last entry until everything settled..
cause i'm very busy with the exam's material rite now.
i really appreciate every prays from all of u guys..
sekian dahulu..

~my DIY wedding card~