exactly 2 months
salam all..
jom lompat2.. joget2 same2..
juz kidding!
im so happy..
it's exactly 2 months more till my wedding
esk no more angka 2..
tinggal angka 1..
which triggered me more..
so what's up with my preparation?
xle nak cakap byk cz
everything was done by my Mum n His.
Our nikah's attire will be all White.
Dear said baju die da siap..
mine plak smlm mama kate xsiap lg cz lace tu byk bunge
xle nk wat cam fesyen i want..kne ubah sket
me said to mama as long as lawaaa me xkesah ler..
malas nak byk songeh
juz pray its gonna be sweet n nice on me je la..
we all beli barang hantaran je..
so far it's going to be 5 balas 7
for him :
- shoes-dear bought
- wallet & belt-Me bought
- perfume set-Me
- baju melayu & sampin-dear
- watch(dear)+chocolates(Mum)
- cake- sponsored by my aunt "Ummi"
- ring-dear
- handbag(me bought at Mecca Mall + watch(kat dubai nnt)
- perfume set-Me
- kain pasang-dear
- cincin + accesories-dear
- money for hantaran-ni of course la dear lg..hehe
kecian dear..
bukan ape..susah la nk beli barang2 kat cni..
plus..im still a student..
duit mane banyak maa nk beli sume..hehe
thnx a lot dear for being such Generous.
(blink2.wat mate kelip.
so...as im also generous today..
here i put exclusively edited pic of me n him
copy paste sajor..

Gamba tu awak n tunang ek??
yup..ini kami..
jgn lupe anta kad jmputan kt cikin yek