~officially enggaged~

My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We'll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.

Friendship and love,
Laughter and caring
May these keep on growing
As we keep on sharing.

salam all..

felt like cudnt believe myself dat i'm officially enganged
to my deary sweetheart.

the ceremony started on 3 pm M'sia which is 9am Jordan.

tersangatlaa frust cz initially mama said

there'll be webcam so that i can eventually participate..

but unfortunately..

rase nak makan jer my lil bro tu..
ade ke patut silap beli line

supposed to buy any broadband but he accidentally bought streamix dialed up ape tah..

mane leh jalan since my family's house in kb tu xde line tenet pon..


penat je pegi balek dari hospital Basmah tu..
(even dekat..)

habes byk gak duit tambang i..

tuntut ganti rugi baru tau!

(sabar2..ade hikmah nii)

will upload the pics later cz me myself dun see it yet..
soo sad ayte??

actually penat exam tak abes lagi.
ari sabtu exam..ari ahad da start new rotation.
which is Internal Medicine.

sampai rumah da maghrib

i dun have any proper rest yet.

really need holiday..

soo damn tired..

rumah pon cam tongkang tebalek..

nak kemas pon badan penat lagi..

otak yg penat actually..

my Solemnization date has been set up already..

it will only be 'kenduri doa selamat' for my relatives n bestfrenz

will announce it later.

till then..


f a i z a h 's said…
da tunang? tp tuan badannya tidak menyertai majlis pertunangan itu ek? ehe...suwitnya... bgs gitu..da xlama nk nikah kan? selamat pengantin baru~! mg bahagia d dunia n akhirat...
Fez said…
kak lyn, uplod gmbr cpt. nak tgok apa y ada di tempat kejadian. dah pengantin pempuan xde.. suprisee.. hehe..
lynn md noh said…
eh..dua2 faizah komen.

to faizah's thnx for coming n the wishes

to fez..
akk pon xdpt lg gambar tu..
lps majlis tu family akk g johor.
esk baru diorg balek kuantan n leh online,
nnt akk dpt akk publish la..hehe

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