
salam all
i got diz forwarded msg from my fwen
last night..

assalamu'alaikum, Please don't break this email...keep on fowarding to ur friend insyallah, Allah aminkan doa kita 9:07 PM 16/1/09
Penasihat Majlis Agama Islam Johor, Datuk Nooh Gadot dipetik sebagai berkata: "Hukum memboikot barang AS kini jatuh WAJIB dan jika ada sesiapa yang tidak mahu memboikot maka hukum menyokong AS dan Israel ialah lawan bagi wajib, iaitu HARAM." Beliau menegaskan hukum wajib itu tepat kerana adalah jelas AS dan Israel kini terus degil, sombong, takbur, bongkak, tidak berperikemanusiaan, musuh agama dan membunuh manusia tidak berdosa termasuk kanak-kanak, wanita dan warga tua di Gaza. "Usaha ini perlu berterusan dan jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam,". Allahummansuril mujahideen fil Ghazzah!

ever since i published the previous entry..
i was trying so hard to avoid buying all the stuff which
we're supposed to boycott

but u know what??

being such a regular user of certain products..
n also..

living in Jordan which is

pro-American Arab country..

it was so hard..

most of our foodstuff are american product.
even the rice here came from there

i've pasted the boycott sticker on my laptop desktop..
to remind me what product i shudnt buy..
but the thing is..
i've always tend to forgot what is n
what not American product.

even balik klas tadi...da terbeli mars
which i thought not included..
makan dgn rase bersalah plak..
xkan nak buang plak kan..
xsengaja xberdosa kan..

there were so many opinion about this boycotting..
and me ..
myself agree with the forwarded message above.

Jordan ni mmg xde sumber.
barang2 die kebanyakan import dari negara lain
especially America.

logikla klu raja die takot n terpaksa tunduk dgn arahan israel
n america

but as Us in Malaysia..
we should'nt scared of doing this boycotting.
we're not as insuffocated as Jordanian.
(matilah org jordan marah ni.ngee)
we have our own products n technologies..
we have our own oil..agriculture and so on.
i dun think that if we do this boycot our economy will go down.

mungkin sementara waktu..ya..
tapi kita ade kemampuan tuk Bangun Balik..

our local people are well-talented now..
semua bende kite dah boleh wat sndr..

kite buka la kilang produk tempatan byk2.
with the help of our government..
it would not be something impossible..

majukan lagi produk2 tempatan
buat secara besar-besaran..
untuk tolong mane2 individu yg hilang pekerjaan dari
kilang2 AS.

like Syria..
the're not scared of Israel's warning..
they keep up their effort to help palestine
they are also not scared of what so called 'sekatan ekonomi'
because they have their own product for their people.

DOnt u Think it's a GOOD time for our Beloved county
to change too?
kate negara Islam..

Ini pon termasuk dalam seruan kerajaan untuk



we Muslims,should always believe..
If we do Good Deeds for Allah..
Allah will alwayz HELP Us n Be with us..



Anonymous said…
salam kak,
xper2..bli cokelat made in turkey&syria..bli air bikarbonat made in syria..huhuu..sedang mencube jugak nih..hardeez, pizza hut, burger king..snickers..owh, i love all that!! but..i WAS..

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