~less than a month~
as usual..
name je ade blog tp pemalas nak hapdet.
besides..nothing special happened in my daily life..
ari2 pegi hospital kol 7.30 smpi rmh 4.30 ptg.
balik rmh penat..
klu my buah ati xbz keje..chat ngn die kejap..
then wif my family klu diorg xtido lg..
klu rajen study..
baru bape pages..mate terkatup..
dats my daily routines since 4 wiks ago.
now..its only less than a month countdown
before going back to Malaysia..
sooo looking forward for it..
i'm still hoping for miracles to happen..
praying that my dad would somehow changes his mind..
for what?..well..let me keep it by myself..
only certain people knows what..
in the meanwhile..
really dont have much progression with my studies..
though i know that i should finish it all b4 going back to Malaysia..
still cudnt afford to do it..
diz wik tetibe dilanda demam n ibs plak..
xpe2..sabaaa..kafarah dosa tuu..
arini baru rase sehat sket..
oh my...
i really need to study!!!
huhu..someone should slap me for this..
kate nak enjoy sakan balik mesia..
dalaa 2 wiks lepas smpi jordan tu ade oscii..
1st time lak tu..
carik nahas btol aku nii..
pray for me k people..
i still got time ayte??
juz need to work harder from now on!
as usual..
name je ade blog tp pemalas nak hapdet.
besides..nothing special happened in my daily life..
ari2 pegi hospital kol 7.30 smpi rmh 4.30 ptg.
balik rmh penat..
klu my buah ati xbz keje..chat ngn die kejap..
then wif my family klu diorg xtido lg..
klu rajen study..
baru bape pages..mate terkatup..
dats my daily routines since 4 wiks ago.
now..its only less than a month countdown
before going back to Malaysia..
sooo looking forward for it..
i'm still hoping for miracles to happen..
praying that my dad would somehow changes his mind..
for what?..well..let me keep it by myself..
only certain people knows what..
in the meanwhile..
really dont have much progression with my studies..
though i know that i should finish it all b4 going back to Malaysia..
still cudnt afford to do it..
diz wik tetibe dilanda demam n ibs plak..
xpe2..sabaaa..kafarah dosa tuu..
arini baru rase sehat sket..
oh my...
i really need to study!!!
huhu..someone should slap me for this..
kate nak enjoy sakan balik mesia..
dalaa 2 wiks lepas smpi jordan tu ade oscii..
1st time lak tu..
carik nahas btol aku nii..
pray for me k people..
i still got time ayte??
juz need to work harder from now on!